Bo picture
Bo Boka
Software Engineer

I'm a mission-driven, multi-certified Software Engineer with years of experience in web development, ERP software solutions, and system integrations. I specialize in Python, Algorithms, and Data Structures, and have experience with Java, SQL, JavaScript, APIs, and the full stack! I'm a lifelong learner and a lover of new technologies who is passionate about how tech can solve some of the world’s most pressing issues!

View my resume at the top right and have a look through some of my projects by clicking on the images below. Feel free to reach out with any questions!

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Click on the images to flip through the project!

Deft Debate 

deft debate thumbnail

Java web app deployed on AWS that allows users to register, debate, and vote for winners! Users can search debates by category, resolution, status, date, or username. Users have a dashboard and profile with accumulated stats. Moderators have full admin control over debates and users. They can edit, delete, publish, or unpublish debates as well as create other moderators and block users. Functionality is locked using Spring security, Hibernate, and BCrypt.

Built using Java, Spring, JDBC, MySQL, Ajax, REST, JSON, JSTL, Javascript, jQuery, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap and Test Driven Development.


collab thumbnail

Django web app that matches tech professionals for project collaboration based on their skills and location. Project owners can send requests to their project matches.

Built using Python, Django, Classed-Based Views, Javascript, jQuery, HTML/CSS, and Bootstrap on Apache with PostgreSQL database.

VPN on Raspberry Pi 3

raspberry pi

Virtual Private Network built on a Raspberry Pi 3.

Built with Raspberry Pi 3, OpenVPN, Command Line, PiVPN, Dynamic DNS using No-IP, port forwarding, SSH, and FTP.

Blog Builder Website

blog site project thumbnail

A collaborative, dynamic blog website that gives the admin the ability to create blogs and static pages. Admin functionality varies based on login credentials.

Built using Java, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Spring Security, MySQL, JDBC, Ajax, JSON, jQuery, Javascript, JSPs, JSTL, HTML, Bootstrap, & Test Driven Development.

Vending Machine Web App

vending machine project thumbnail

Digital vending machine that allows users to insert money, choose items, and returns change with item (also updates inventory). Includes statistics page as well as an admin page for CRUDing items that appears only after logging in.

Built with AngularJS, Java, Spring, MySQL, JDBC, REST, Javascript, jQuery, and Test Driven Development.


Bo has demonstrated great drive and dedication - spending the necessary time to get a deeper understanding of complex topics. They have excellent attention to detail, and a flair for research and finding previously unknown and creative solutions. With their desire to know how and why things tick, and their enthusiasm to tackle problems outside of their comfort zone - the growth of both is inevitable.

Austyn Hill
Lead Java Instructor
The Software Guild